Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Poker's going well for me (Some blog notes)

So Ive been thinking about this whole blog thing and I think one of the reasons I have been so adverse to posting is because I have come to expect from myself a huge blog post, which is not required. Its my blog, if I wanna make small posts, I can. So, in an effort to start blogging more, I think Im gonna be cutting down the size of my posts.

Since last posting, thngs have been going pretty well. I have gotten some nice scores in the 12 dollar 90 mans (2nd and 3rd, each for over 100 dollars). These tourneys are pretty soft but they have such fast structures that with 20 people left, they are just pushfests and require getting extremely lucky. I may continue to play them, but I dunno if I can run that well for so long.

Lastly, I finally took a shot at 50NL rush poker and it went great. I won 4 buy ins in 800 hands. I dont know what it is about rush but it makes people play so crazily, Ill take it though.

Good luck at the tables!

There, that one wasnt so long

1 comment:

  1. blast this when you grind.

